Champions League Final 2019: YNWA

London and Liverpool fans really respected the Champions League Final — we noticed a significant traffic dip in both cities compared to average. (-14.4% and -35% correspondingly).

However, Liverpool clearly had the most spirit and support (the traffic drop in Liverpool during the game was more than double the one in London) — was that what brought the club to the grand final!? YNWA!

Of course, there was something that actually drove searches on Saturday night — Kinsey Wolanski, the Champions League streaker! Searches for Kinsey scored on xHamster — increasing by a factor of x 28.5!

Ole, ole, ole! You go, girl!


Published by xHamster
5 years ago
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KV78 5 years ago
You might want to start watching football when the UK Porn ban starts on the 15th of July.
Liverpool chamion's ⚽
gowen1 5 years ago
Touluose 5 years ago
Con los grandes eventos casi siempre ocurre lo mismo. El equipo que gana, generalmente sus fans o su ciudad, pierde muchas más visitas que el otro, y al terminar el evento, hay un incremento de tráfico muy potente. (Imagino que para celebrarlo con sexo) jejeje
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