D'ass of all asses

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Published by aim4urfacehoe
7 years ago
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8oo8man 4 years ago
Delicious curves
junai666 4 years ago
lord the earth bring the peace of the legs to the soul amen worship the fineness lord the best Lord of all my fineness my peacefulness my fineness protect my kingdom lord all amen Jesus Christ protect us the body of Christ Amen Jesus Christ protect us the body of Christ Amen Jesus Christ protect us the body of Christ Amen Jesus Christ protect us from the warzone but you can do to me that you have loved my Lord Jesus Christ protect us the body of Christ Amen Jesus Christ protect us the amen your world is so fine lord your world is not bad heaven you knew it!!! You knew the purity of water amen the thug lord needs his curfew now lord amen whatever is outside I need water Lord Jesus Christ protect us the body of Christ Amen the thug lord be blessed kind as unadgutated Jew pride is it if is the holy grail Pandora's box release the peaceful juice Lord Jesus Christ protect us the body of Christ Amen Jesus Christ protect us the Christ amen no more dark head trips lord only healing amen only water and peaceful head trips lord bring it to the alter set it there their the they're hold on now release the peaceful juice Christ of refreshingness to it on earth amen you have already won lord Jesus so ease sooth it it was so good it was I promise my loyalty Lord Jesus amen forgive the thug lord for give the cop lords your forgiveness to the cop lords mud Tf sooth it with refreshing pleasing juice it is delicious indeed it is oh my lord I liked it you did good ferninshing the firmament of that forgiveness is nesscessary your the best of us lord Jesus prayed for you to take the time for a change of plan to do with your life as the lid should with the universe to protect it and not destroy it amen Lord the thug lord and the cop Lord can be each other switched Q&A NY time for they are the same noobsibot cops white cops are good friends on TV amen stay home amen
DogBone2504 7 years ago
She can fart in my face anytime she wants.
Очень красиво! Шикарное тело!
NCAT 7 years ago
Certified Nutt Busting Material!!!
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